Announcement of The 21st Takayanagi Kenjiro Memorial Symposium on Nov 12
We are pleased to announce The 21st Takayanagi Kenjiro Memorial
Symposium to be held on November 12th.The symposium committee(Chair:
Professor Hisao Suzuki) will organize the program with the following
Main Theme:Toward Advanced Imaging Science Creation
Sub Theme :Interdisciplinary Fusion in Nano Vision, Materials Science,
and Optoelectronics for Medical and Biological Application
This year we are going to organize the symposium to focus on plenary
talks and lectures by Takayanagi Prize Winners, not including poster sessions.
We are looking forward to your proactive joining as well as The 4th
International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering.
■ Date: November 12th (Tue.),9:30~16:30
■ Venue : Sanaru Hall, Hamamatsu Campus, Shizuoka University
■ Welcome party(※) Time:17:00~19:00
Venue:Takayanagi Memorial Hall
Fee :JPY 2000 for participants
※ The presenters, faculty members and researchers are eligible
to join this party, not for students.
■ Others : The web will be open below.Please register your attendance.
9:30 Opening: Chair; Hisao Suzuki
Kiyoshi Ishii (President of Shizuoka University)
Hidenori Mimura (Director of RIE, Shizuoka University)
9:40 Plenary Session: Chair; Hisao Suzuki
PL-1. Electron aspirator using electron–electron scattering
in nanoscale silicon
Yukinori Ono (RIE, Shizuoka University, Japan)
10:20 PL-2. Solution process and characterization of CIGS solar cells
Prof. Chung-Hsin Lu (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
11:00 Break
11:10 Chair; Yukinori Ono
PL-3. Diamond nanothermometry with nitrogen-vacancy centers
Dr. Huan-Cheng Chang (Institute of Atomic and Molecular
11:50 PL-4. Color converters for laser-driven solid state lighting
Prof. Rong-Jun Xie (Xiamen University, China)
12:30 Lunch
Takayanagi Session, Lectures of Takayanagi Prize Winners
Chair; Yoichiro Nakanishi
14:00 TL-1. Developments towards diagnostic optical imaging
Yoko Hoshi (Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Japan)
14:40 TL-2. A microprobing system for precision dimensional measurement
based on detection of local surface interaction force
So Itoh, (Toyama Prefectural University, Japan)
15:10 Break
Chair; Wataru Inami
15:30 TL-3. Studies on new carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom
bond formation under light irradiation
Tetsuya Sengoku (Shizuoka University, Japan)
16:00 TL-4. Intravital imaging with nonlinear optical effects has
shown up functional blood circuit
Naoki Honkura (Hamamatsu University School of Medicine)
16:30 Memorial Photo
16:40 Closing Hisao Suzuki (Symposium Chair)
17:00 Reception (to 19:00) Takayanagi Memorial Hall,Hamamatsu Campus,
Shizuoka University